Board of Governors and departments

Danmarks Nationalbank’s Board of Governors, consisting of three members, is charged with the day-to-day management. As Governor by Royal Appointment, Christian Kettel Thomsen is Chairman of the Board of Governors. The other two members of the Board of Governors are Ulrik Nødgaard and Signe Krogstrup.

The three Governors constitute the day-to-day management of Danmarks Nationalbank. In the event of a parity of votes cast by the Governors, the Chairman has the casting vote.

The Board of Governors holds sole responsibility for the formulation and ongoing adjustment of monetary policy, independently of the Board of Directors and the Committee of Directors.

Appointment of members

The Chairman of the Board of Governors, Christian Kettel Thomsen, is Governor ‘by Royal Appointment’ – in practice appointed by the Danish government to chair the Board of Governors.

The two other member of the Board of Governors, Ulrik Nødgaard and Signe Krogstrup, are elected by Danmarks Nationalbank’s Board of Directors.

Under the Danmarks Nationalbank Act, Governors must retire by the end of the month in which they turn 70 years of age. Since Danmarks Nationalbank was established in 1818, there have been 61 Governors, 20 of whom by Royal Appointment.
