
Nationalbanken arrangerer konferencer og workshops om emner relateret til sine vigtigste arbejdsområder og afholder både politik- og forskningsorienterede arrangementer. Her finder du lister over tidligere arrangementer og kalendere, der viser kommende arrangementer. Arrangementerne er normalt kun for inviterede.


Nationalbankens økonomer og gæstetalere præsenterer deres forskning på planlagte seminarer i løbet af året. Du kan se kommende seminarer herunder.

Kommende seminarer

  • 10 December 2024: Diego Känzig, (Department of Economics at Northwestern University): "The Macroeconomic Impact of Climate Change: Global vs. Local Temperature”.
  • 26 November 2024: Alexander Ljungqvist, (Stockholm School of Economics): "Advertising Securities”
  • 15 November 2024: Emanuel Moench (Frankfurt School of Finance & Management): "The dynamic effects of green and non-green technology shocks on emissions and the macroeconomy" 
  • 12 November 2024: Neeltje van Horen (Bank of England): "The Consumption Response to Borrowing Constraints in the Mortgage Market"
  • 5 November 2024: Louiza A. Bartzoka (Copenhagen Business School): "House Price Perceptions and the Housing Wealth Effect"
  • 29 October 2024: Maximilian Weiß (University of Tûbinger): "Disaster risk, heterogeneous saving behavior, and wealth inequality"
  • 23 October 2024: Kai Arvai (Banque de France): "Economic Growth and Ageing Evidence from France"
  • 22 October 2024: Geert Mesters (Universitat Pompeu Fabra): "Innovations meet Narratives: improving power and credibility in macro inference"
  • 8 October 2024: Chris Busch (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Munich): "Stage-Based Identification of Policy Effects"
  • 12 September 2024: Isaac Baley (Barcelona School of Economics): "Lumpy Forecasts"
  • 3 September 2024: Javier Miranda (IWH Halle): "Declining Business Dynamism in Europe: The Role of Shocks, Market Power, and Technology"
  • 21 August 2024: Anthony Savagar (University of Kent): "Scale Economies and Aggregate Productivity"
  • 8 August 2024: Alexander Raabe (Asian Development Bank ): "Greening thy neighbor: How the US Inflation Reduction Act drives climate finance globally"
  • 18 June 2024: Rune Vejlin (Aarhus University): "Equilibrium Worker-Firm Allocations and the Deadweight Losses of Taxation"
  • 4 June 2024: Raphael Schoenle (Brandeis University): "The Expectations of Others"
  • 28 May 2024: Joao Cocco (London Business School): "Mortgage refinancing during tightening monetary policy: Evidence from the UK"
  • 21 May 2024: Pascal Paul (Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco): "A Macroeconomic Model of Central Bank Digital Currency"
  • 16 April 2024: Mattias Rottner (Bundesbank): "CBDC and banks: Disintermediating fast and slow"
  • 9 April 2024: Filippo de Marco (Bocconi University): "Corporate Runs and Credit Reallocation"
  • 12 March 2024: Tim Eisert(Nova School of Business and Economics): "Exorbitant Privilege? Quantitative Easing and the Bond Market Subsidy of Prospective Fallen Angels"
  • 5 March 2024: Luigi Paciello (Einaudi Institute of Economics and Finance): "Subsidizing Business Entry in Competitive Credit Markets"
  • 30 January 2024: Gernot Müller (University of Tübingen): "Firm Expectations and News: Micro v Macro"

Tidligere seminarer

  • 12 December 2023: Aubhik Khan (Ohio State University): "Persistent Debt and Business Cycles in an Economy with Production Heterogeneity"
  • 28 November 2023: David Wiczer (Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta): "TBA"
  • 14 November 2023: Claus Kreiner (University of Copenhagen): "Micro vs Macro Labor Supply Elasticities: The Role of Dynamic Returns to Effort"
  • 7 November 2023: Scott R. Baker (Kellogg School of Management): "Corporate Taxes and Retail Prices"
  • 31 October 2023: Daniel Streitz (IWH Halle): "Out of sight, out of mind: Divestments and the Global Reallocation of Pollutive Assets"
  • 24 October 2023: Moritz Kuhn (University of Mannheim): "To Have or Not to Have: Understanding Wealth Inequality"
  • 3 October 2023: Thomas Drechsel (University of Maryland): "Identifying Monetary Policy Shocks: A Natural Language Approach"
  • 27 September 2023: Leonardo Melosi (University of Warwick): "TBA"
  • 19 September 2023: Francesco Zanetti  (University of Oxford): "Agreed and Disagreed Uncertainty"
  • 12 September 2023: Anton Nakov (ECB): "Climate-Conscious Monetary Policy"
  • 31 August 2023: Kilian Huber (University of Chicago) & Ludwig Straub (Harvard University) "Disaggregated Economic Accounts"
  • 21 June 2023: Daniel Paravisini (London School of Economics): "One Size Doesn´t Fit All: Heterogeneous Depositor Compensation During Periods of Uncertainty"
  • 30 May 2023: Paolo Sodini (Stockholm University): "TBA"
  • 26 May 2023: John Campbell (Harvard University): "Mortgage Choice and Monetary Policy"
  • 16 May 2023: Ambrogio Cesa-Bianchi (Bank of England): "The transmission of Keynesian supply shocks"
  • 9 May 2023: Andrew Goodman-Bacon (Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis): "Difference-in-Differences with a Continuous Treatment"
  • 2 May 2023: Karin Kinnerud (BI Norwegian Business School): "Down-payment requirements: Implications for portfolio choice and consumption"
  • 18 April 2023: Basile Grassi (Bocconi University): "The Hitchhiker's Guide to Markup Estimation"
  • 11 April 2023: Andreas Fagereng (BI Norwegian Business School): "Assortative Mating and Wealth Inequality"
  • 21 March 2023: Ralph Luetticke (UCL): "Foreign Portfolios and Domestic Business Cycles with Heterogeneous Agents"
  • 14 March 2023: Roine Vestman (Stockholm University): "The Housing Wealth Effect: Quasi-Experimental Evidence"
  • 22 November 2022: Erik Öberg (Uppsala University): ”The Unemployment-Risk Channel in Business-Cycle Fluctuations”
  • 15 November 2022: Carlos Carrillo-Tudela (University of Essex): ”Matching Through Search Channels”
  • 8 November 2022: Nicola Limodio (Bocconi University): ”The Financial Transmission of a Climatic Shock: El Nino and US Banks”
  • 4 October 2022: Laura Pilossoph (Duke University): ”Job Search, Wages, and Inflation”
  • 22 September 2022: Sebastian Doerr (BIS): ”Income Inequality and Job Creation”
  • 13 September 2022: John Vincent Kramer (University of Copenhagen): ”The Cyclicality of Earnings Growth along the Distribution – Causes and Consequences”
  • 14 June 2022: Niklas Engbom (New York University): ”Labor Market Fluidity and Human Capital Accumulation”
  • 7 June 2022: Vasso Ioannidou (Bayes Business School, formerly Cass): ”Corporate Pension Risk-Taking in a Low Interest Rate Environment”



Tidligere konferencer

  • 12-13 October 2023: Macroeconomic Risks, Uncertainty and Sustainability. Conference hosted by Danmarks Nationalbank, Deutsche Bundesbank and Norges Bank in Copenhagen, Denmark

Call for papers

Conference website

Conference Program

  • 26-27 September 2022: The Return of Inflation. Conference hosted by Danmarks Nationalbank, Deutsche Bundesbank and Norges Bank in Oslo, Norway

Call for papers

Conference website

  • 20 May 2022: Empirical Banking Workshop, Danmarks Nationalbank

Conference website

  • 13-14 December 2021: Stabilization policies: Lessons from the COVID-19 crisis and prospects for future policy strategies. Online conference hosted by Danmarks Nationalbank, Deutsche Bundesbank and Norges Bank

Call for papers

Conference program