Corporate Services

In Corporate Services, we ensure a solid foundation, robust operations and ongoing development in Danmarks Nationalbank, so that the whole bank can perform its core tasks as securely and efficiently as possible. Corporate Services covers a broad portfolio of tasks comprising Facility Management, Financial Reporting and Controlling, People and Organisation, Strategy and Projects, Law, Cash and Risk Management as well as the Restoration and Renovation Project.

Examples of specific tasks performed by Corporate Services:

  • Ensuring secure and efficient management of the physical and service framework for the bank’s work, including climate reporting for the bank's internal operations.

  • Preparation of financial statements for Danmarks Nationalbank and the Central Government Debt Management and ensuring the bank’s multi-year budget and economic management processes.

  • Further development of learning culture, competence and career development as a foundation for retaining and attracting top talent to tackle the challenges of the future. In addition, ensuring accurate and timely payroll processing, assisting with recruitment and contracts, and developing the bank's employer brand.
  • Legal advice to the bank’s management and departments on legal matters such as risks, safeguarding of the bank’s interests as well as preparing, negotiating and concluding agreements and transactions on the bank’s behalf.
  • Procurement and quality assurance of banknotes and coins for the Danish cash supply, issuance of cash via custodian banks as well as handling and destruction of old or damaged cash.

  • Risk management of operational risks throughout the bank and handling the physical security of the bank’s employees, locations and assets.

  • Ensuring the day-to-day management, handling of the client function and management of the restoration and renovation of Danmarks Nationalbank’s building in Havnegade 5 in Copenhagen, which is the largest and most complex construction project undertaken since the building was built.

Chief Operating Officer and Head of Department Lone Mortensen answers three questions about the work in Corporate Services:

How do you contribute to Danmarks Nationalbank’s work to ensure a robust economy?

“At Corporate Services, we are responsible for a wide range of service, operational and development tasks, which together form the foundation and framework for the other departments’ work to ensure a robust Danish economy. We are also responsible for the framework for management and employee development and for ensuring that Danmarks Nationalbank is an attractive workplace where our competent colleagues thrive. Whether it is about managing the central government debt or developing analyses and statistics, we are also responsible for ensuring the legal framework and the operational support.

In addition, we contribute to ensuring a robust economy through Cash Supply, where we are responsible for procurement and quality assurance of banknotes and coins, issuance of cash via custodian banks as well as handling and destruction of old or damaged cash.

Corporate Services also has the responsibility for Danmarks Nationalbank’s building located in the centre of Copenhagen. This is a listed building designed by Arne Jacobsen. With the ongoing restoration and renovation of the building, we maintain, update and future-proof our iconic headquarters, so that we will also have a good setting for ensuring a robust economy in the future.”

What makes your area particularly exciting?

“Danmarks Nationalbank’s tasks have changed continuously over the years and will continue to develop along with society. We are currently designing new banknotes, as cash will continue to be a safe and efficient means of payment in the future. The new banknotes will feature motifs of important achievements and the sea, and it's exciting to help ensure that Denmark has a secure means of payment. At the same time, a large number of our payments are digital.  This puts other items on the agenda: critical infrastructure, cybersecurity, data science etc. That's why in Corporate Services we have an exciting and important task in making sure that we remain relevant as a national bank – both in the short and long term.”

What opportunities and challenges are there in your area?

“In Corporate Services, we are responsible for guaranteeing both stable operations and the provision of services to the bank’s core business. At the same time, we must be at the forefront and make sure we work in an up-to-date manner and according to best practice in order to support and accommodate the business units. This places demands on us to facilitate good workflows, processes and projects as well as constantly contributing insight into new trends and perspectives.”

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