Cookie policy

Danmarks Nationalbank wishes to offer a user-friendly website with the content that is most relevant to you. To make this possible, we use technologies that can collect data about you and how you and other visitors use our website

Danmarks Nationalbank wishes to offer a user-friendly website with the content that is most relevant to you. To make this possible, we use technologies that can collect data about you and how you and other visitors use our website Our objective with this policy is to create transparency and give you a full overview of what the processing of your personal data entails, what you need to be aware of and what options you have for opposing such data processing.

Processing of personal data using cookies

Danmarks Nationalbank's use of cookies may result in the processing of personal data, and we therefore recommend that you also read our privacy policy, which describes our processing of personal data and your rights.


By using our website and pressing OK on our cookie banner the first time you visit the website, you consent to Danmarks Nationalbank using cookies as described in the table below. You can revoke or change your consent by declining cookies in the cookie overview, and you can also block cookies in your browser.

What are cookies?

Cookies are small text files that the website can place on your computer hard drive, smartphone or other electronic equipment. In relation to this policy and your consent, however, the term "cookies" also comprises other types of automated data collection, e.g. Flash cookies (Local Shared Objects), Web Storage (HTML5), Javascripts or cookies placed using other software. The term "cookies" also comprises information about MAC address and other information about your device.

Cookies can be used by both Danmarks Nationalbank and third parties (see cookie overview).

There are basically two types of cookies: temporary and permanent. Temporary cookies are connected with your current visit to the website and are automatically deleted when you close your web browser. Permanent cookies will be stored on your equipment. Permanent cookies autodelete after a certain period of time, but they will be renewed each time you visit the website.

For a more detailed description, see the cookie overview.

How do you avoid and delete cookies?

If you do not want Danmarks Nationalbank to place or read cookies on your equipment, you may change or revoke your consent at any given time by rejecting cookies in the cookie history, and you may also block cookies in your browser. How you block cookies will depend on which browser you use. Remember that if you use multiple browsers, you must change or revoke your consent in all browsers or block cookies in all browsers. Please note that if you delete or block cookies, you may not be able to use certain features on our website.

Which cookies are used and for what purposes?

Below, you can see which cookies the website uses, for what purposes the individual cookies are used, who places the individual cookie, and for how long cookies are stored on your equipment.

This website uses cookies. Danmarks Nationalbank uses its own cookies as well as third-party cookies. Our use of cookies and the associated processing of personal data are done [to remember your settings, for traffic analysis, to show you targeted advertisements and to track your use of the website]. You can adjust or revoke your consent via the settings. Cookies can also be blocked in your browser. You can read more about our processing of your personal data here.