International reserve assets and liquidity

The statistics contain a detailed statement of the composition of Danmarks Nationalbank’s reserve assets, including stock of securities, financial derivatives, gold, loans and deposits in foreign currency.

The statistics are compiled in accordance with the International Monetary Fund’s guidelines for the compilation of international reserve assets (link). The statistics differ in several respects from the specification in Danmarks Nationalbank’s accounting balance (link) and the associated monthly press release on Foreign Exchange and Liquidity and Monthly Balance Sheet (link). They are more extensive and also compiled according to other principles. In addition to Danmarks Nationalbank’s reserve assets, the extended compilation includes information on future inflows and outflows on assets and liabilities in foreign currency, including disbursements on the government’s liabilities in foreign currency, as well as supplementary information on, for example, assets in foreign currency received or pledged by Danmarks Nationalbank.

The statistics on international reserve assets are divided into stocks of different types of securities, gold, loans and deposits in foreign currency etc., while the statistics on payments and liquidity are divided into sector, loans and deposits in foreign currency, securities and type of payments etc.

International reserve assets and liquidity in Statbank

Upcoming releases on international reserve assets and liquidity


You can contact Financial Statistics if you have questions on the statistics

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