Statistical news focuses on the latest figures and trends in Danmarks Nationalbank’s statistics. Statistical news is targeted at people who want quick insight into current financial data.

Statistics period: January 2024

Foreign investors own an increasing share of the C25 index

Since January 2020, the total foreign ownership of stocks in the Danish C25 index has increased from 58 to 68 percent. The development is driven by larger value increases in the foreign investors’ holdings of C25 stocks than those of Danish investors. Foreign ownership is particularly high in stocks such as Genmab, Novo Nordisk B, Vestas, and DSV, where foreign investors own more than 75 per cent of the listed shares. At the other end of the scale, foreign investors own less than 25 per cent of A.P. Møller A, Bavarian Nordic, and Demant. Danish insurance and pension companies own only 3 per cent of the index's value, which represents 14 per cent of their holdings of listed stocks. Danish private investors own 8 per cent of the value. Among other Danish investors, the largest investor group is companies affiliated with the companies in the index.

Foreign investors own 68 per cent of the value in C25


The C25 index contains the 25 largest and most traded stocks listed on NASDAQ Copenhagen. “Danish private investors” include employees, retirees, etc. “Danish insurance and pension” refer to Danish insurance and pension companies, including their ownership of C25 shares through Danish investment funds.

Wide dispersion in foreign ownership of C25 shares


Foreign investors’ share of ownership in Danish C25 shares. Find figure data in the Statbank