Statistical news focuses on the latest figures and trends in Danmarks Nationalbank’s statistics. Statistical news is targeted at people who want quick insight into current financial data.

Statistics period: 3rd quarter 2024

The euro area owns a large portion of 30-year mortgage bonds

Investors in the euro area own over 20 per cent of the Danish 30-year fixed-rate convertible mortgage bonds. German investors account for more than three-quarters of the euro countries' investments in the bonds, making Germany the largest investor country in the euro area. It is predominantly German investment funds, which are almost exclusively aimed at German investors, that have purchased the Danish mortgage bonds. At the end of the third quarter of 2024, there was a total outstanding amount of kr. 1,003 billion in 30-year mortgage bonds.

Germany is the largest among foreign investor countries


Data from the end of the 3rd quarter of 2024. Ownership distribution for fixed-rate convertible mortgage bonds with an original maturity of 30 years. Ownership shares based on nominal values.Find chart data in the Statbank.


ECB and Danmarks Nationalbank.