Press releases are short texts about important news from Danmarks Nationalbank. Press releases are primarily aimed at journalists or those interested in instant and direct news updates, for example on interest rate changes.

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Citizens can now leave their mark on the new banknotes

​Citizens can now voice their opinion on what should feature on the banknotes that will enter into circulation in 2028 and 2029. From today Monday and for the next three weeks, everyone will be able to go online and rate the themes, people and achievements suggested by Danmarks Nationalbank based on input from cultural institutions and a panel of external experts.


13 May 2024

Citizens can now voice their opinion on what should feature on the banknotes that will enter into circulation in 2028 and 2029. From today Monday and for the next three weeks, everyone will be able to go online and rate the themes, people and achievements suggested by Danmarks Nationalbank based on input from cultural institutions and a panel of external experts.

Should everyday life, flowers or the sea be the recurring theme on one side of the banknotes in the new banknote series? And which famous Danes – and their achievements – should feature the other side of the banknotes? You can now voice your opinion on this by completing the questionnaire.

"Banknotes have traditionally had both cultural and historical significance, almost as a tangible symbol of a country's identity. That's why we want to involve citizens in the development of the new banknotes," says Christian Kettel Thomsen, Governor of Danmarks Nationalbank.

Danmarks Nationalbank is working on developing the new banknote series to ensure that cash remains a secure means of payment in the future. Newer technology will give the banknotes a security boost that will strengthen the efforts to combat counterfeiting.

"A banknote is both a means of payment and a piece of decorative art and that is why creating new banknotes requires both security and aesthetics," says Niels Kaas, General Treasurer of Danmarks Nationalbank.

Danmarks Nationalbank is in the initial concept phase of developing the new banknotes. Together with a panel of experts, Danmarks Nationalbank has selected the themes for motifs that citizens can now voice their opinion on. The starting point was specific suggestions from more than 40 educational institutions in the fields of art, culture and natural sciences.

The survey closes on 2 June. Danmarks Nationalbank will then decide, together with external experts, which motifs will feature on the new banknotes. Requirements for security features and options in the production process will also be taken into account when considering what the new banknotes will ultimately look like.

The survey is available at

Journalists can contact Press and Communications Officer Teis Hald Jensen on +45 3363 6066 or at