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New banknotes: The sea and great achievements

​Danmarks Nationalbank today discloses the great achievements that will adorn the front of the new 50-, 100-, 200- and 500-krone banknotes entering circulation from 2028 in Denmark and Greenland, as well as the common theme that will feature the reverse side of each of the four new notes.


6 September 2024

Danmarks Nationalbank today discloses the great achievements that will adorn the front of the new 50-, 100-, 200- and 500-krone banknotes entering circulation from 2028 in Denmark and Greenland, as well as the common theme that will feature the reverse side of each of the four new notes.

Fairy tales and Hans Christian Andersen, astronomy and Tycho Brahe, the Earth's core and Inge Lehmann, the Thule expedition and Arnarulunnguaq will be the achievements and individuals that will embellish the front of the next generation of banknotes in Denmark and Greenland, while the motifs on the reverse will have the sea as a common theme.

"A banknote may link the entire kingdom together, both as a means of payment and as a symbol. Our goal has been to find achievements and people that represent the best of our country and connect the past and the present," says Christian Kettel Thomsen, Governor of Danmarks Nationalbank, who chaired the expert group that selected the motifs and themes for the banknotes.

The expert group chose the sea because it is at the centre of our shared identity and has shaped our society through seafaring, trade and fishing, as well as being a sanctuary.

"The sea binds us together and represents our view of the world. It has always been a part of our society and culture," says Jeanette Skov Jensen, Head of Design at Danmarks Nationalbank and member of the expert group.

The expert group consisted of members from both Danmarks Nationalbank and external experts. It made its decision based on proposals from 27 museums, research and educational institutions and 76,000 responses to a questionnaire that Danmarks Nationalbank asked citizens in Denmark and Greenland to fill out earlier this year.

Today, Danmarks Nationalbank publishes the report "Designs and themes on new banknotes from 2028", which describes the work and effort involved in selecting the sea and the four achievements chosen to adorn the future banknote series.

The new banknote series will ensure that cash remains a safe and efficient means of payment in the future, and will replace the current 2009 series of bridges and ancient artefacts. In collaboration with external suppliers, Danmarks Nationalbank will now begin the work of finalising the final concept and graphic design of the banknotes.

The design of the new banknote series is expected to be finalised in Q1 2026, and Danmarks Nationalbank expects to announce their final appearance subsequently. The new banknotes will go into circulation from 2028.

Press enquiries should be directed to Peter Levring at +45 2620 1809.