Other publications may include books, quarterly reviews, annual reports and economic bulletins from the ECB, PhD theses and Danmarks Nationalbank’s policies.

Danmarks Nationalbank's Projections for the Danish Economy - Part 1

In 2007, Danmarks Nationalbank began to publish projections of the Danish economy as part of its current assessment of the Danish economy, which forms part of the basis for Danmarks Nationalbank's initiatives and recommendations. Danmarks Nationalbank's projections for 2008-12 contain considerable forecast errors concerning the development in GDP, especially during the recession in 2008-09. The forecasts of unemployment and especially inflation perform better. The analysis illustrates that it is essential to maintain a broad perspective of the economy rather than focus purely on GDP growth. The usefulness of the projections is ultimately determined by their positive contribution to the basis for Danmarks Nationalbank's transactions and measures during the period. An analysis of the period 2008-12 has made it possible to identify and address a number of basic challenges and imbalances in the Danish economy.