Questions regarding new banknotes in 2028-2029

Here you can find answers to questions regarding the new banknote series which is expected to be introduced in 2028-2029.

Why do we need new banknotes?

Cash is still widely used throughout society and will continue to be needed in the future. To ensure that cash remains a safe and efficient means of payment, Danmarks Nationalbank has started developing a new banknote series. The new banknote series will have a completely new design and upgraded security features that are up-to-date and more secure.

What happens to the current banknotes (2009 series) when we get new ones?

When the new banknote series is released in 2028-2029, it will replace the current series of banknotes featuring Danish bridges and archaeological finds (2009 series). There will be a period when both the 2009 series and the new series are legal tender. However, after a deadline, which is yet to be determined, only banknotes in the new series will be legal tender and the 2009 series will no longer be legal tender.

How will citizens be involved in work on the new banknotes?

Danmarks Nationalbank invited a number of educational institutions and museums in the fields of art, culture and science to contribute suggestions for motifs and themes. Based on their suggestions, Danmarks Nationalbank has developed a number of themes that could feature on the new banknotes.

All citizens have had the opportunity to voice their opinion of the themes for the motifs on the new banknotes by taking part in a virtual survey where they were asked to rate the themes based on several relevant parameters. The survey was open from 13 May 2024 until and including 2 June 2024.

How will input from citizens on themes and topics for the new banknotes be used?

Danmarks Nationalbank, together with external experts, will decide which themes and motifs will feature on the new banknotes. The final design of the new banknotes will take inspiration from the suggestions received and input from citizens, as well as requirements for security features and options in the production process.

When will the motifs and themes of the new banknotes be published?

Danmarks Nationalbank will announce the final themes for the motifs on the new banknotes in September 2024. At the same time, Danmarks Nationalbank will publish a report detailing the process for selecting topics and themes. The report will also show the results of citizen involvement in the process.