Information campaign about banknotes that will become invalid

In September, Danmarks Nationalbank will carry out an information campaign in Denmark with the headline "Do you have banknotes that will become invalid?". The following week, the campaign will also be launched in Greenland, where they also use Danish banknotes.

The campaign consists of an information letter that all Danes over the age of 15 will receive during September - either via Digital Post or as physical mail if you are exempt from Digital Post.

The letter will be sent out in stages during September. During the period, the campaign runs on posters in the cityscape, ads in print media, online and on social media.

The campaign is a follow-up to Danmarks Nationalbank's announcement last year that the 1000-krone banknote and older banknote series will become invalid after 31 May 2025, and that new banknotes will be introduced in 2028-2029.

The campaign will help to ensure that citizens are thoroughly informed about which banknotes will become invalid and what to do if they have any of these banknotes. We are launching the campaign now to make sure there is plenty of time to use or deposit the notes.

Print-friendly information for citizens

This publication is useful when you need a physical print of the information, for example for going through banknotes with family members, friends or others who don't have access to the information online.

The publication is available in four languages: