Credit register

Read about reporting to the credit register.

Reporting deadlines

Reporting material for the credit register is submitted quarterly for full reporting institutions and yearly for ‘tail’ institutions. Foreign branches of Danish credit institutions report as full reporting Danish institutions. 

  • Part 1 of the quarterly report must be submitted no later than the 15th business day after the end of the relevant reporting quarter.
  • Part 2 of the quarterly report must be submitted no later than the 30th business day after the end of the relevant reporting quarter.
  • Yearly reports must be submitted no later than the 8th business day in April after the end of the relevant reporting year.

Reporting guidelines

The reporting guidelines lay down and describe the terms and conditions and requirements for the collection of statistical information by Danmarks Nationalbank, including:

  • The legal basis for collecting the statistics
  • Enterprises with reporting obligations
  • Frequencies and deadlines
  • Content and structure of the reporting
    • Information to be reported (delimitation)
    • Compilation and valuation principles
    • Details (instruments, sectors, industries, maturities, currencies etc.)
    • Descriptions of the individual reporting forms
  • Replacement reports in the event of errors and/or omissions
  • Code lists for various details, e.g. country and currency codes.

The reporting guidelines are revised as required. The reporting institutions and relevant trade associations are normally involved in the work. This ensures that everyone involved understands the changes.


Credit register
Quarterly and annual reporting of MFI loans and credits.
Reporting guidelines

Technical material

If you do not want to enter your data directly in FIONA Online, you can use the auxiliary files below to collect data. You company can collect the information used for reporting in an excel file or choose an automated solution in XML.

Other material

The following supplementary material is intended to help you report the correct information.